Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Final Blog Post

This blogging assignment has helped me to develop my writing skills.  The requirement to write often forced me to push myself to make writing a habit and to find enjoyment in the task.  I think that my biggest gain from this experience has been the discovery of my voice while writing my story.  As my story developed I was able to push myself and allow my voice to come through.  It was really nice to experience this less formal writing because I was then able to relax and follow whatever train of thought I felt like following - essentially, it felt much less like a chore.  I also grew creatively.  Before, I always felt so constrained by writing assignments that I was unable to ever go "outside the box" and express myself.  I have now discovered the more creative writer in me and can use this to enhance future writing opportunities.  This blog assignement has significantly improved my writing style.


  1. I feel the same way! originally I LOATHED blogging, but it's not so bad anymore! And it will probably help me since I'll have to do something a lot like it on my mission as I write emails to my family.

  2. I agree. the freedom to write whatever you want is incredibly relaxing.
