Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Episode 33 - Extra Credit

This is an extra credit post.
The evening finally arrived after hours of preparation by the three excited girls.  Kelsey and Caitlin were obviously enthusiastic to see their respective men for their dates.  Aislinn was slightly apprehensively enthusiastic because Tom had sent Kelsey a text saying that he was going to get a date for her so she could come as well – someone famous, of course.  But he never replied saying who exactly he had found for her…just that he was an attractive man (according to other women, as Tom would never….).  So all three girls were looking forward to an unforgettable evening – they deserved it after the disastrous morning they had had!  The men needed to redeem themselves tonight.  Kelsey’s phone started ringing at precisely 5:00.  Confused to see that it was Tom, Kelsey answered on speakerphone, hoping that he was not cancelling last-minute.  “Hello?”
“Hello Kelsey.  This is Tom.” Kelsey stifled a laugh at his extremely formal tone and responded in an equally serious manner.
“Hello Tom.  What can I do for you?”
“We – your dates – are outside your door.  May we have permission to knock politely?”  Kelsey almost lost it at that request.  Listening in, Aislinn and Caitlin burst into silent laughter.  Kelsey glared daggers at them as she replied,
“Of course you may.  We will see you shortly.”  She hung up as an extremely polite knock sounded on the door.  The three of them exchanged grins and went to let the men in.  Caitlin, easily the most excited, pulled the door open.  Two slightly red-faced men stood beside a confused, but attractive young man.  David grinned at the sight of Caitlin, all dressed up in her polka-dot dress and he in his suit for their fancy dinner, and immediately proffered his arm.  She took it and the two started down the hall, already in their own world.  Tom attempted to take Kelsey’s hand, however, the mysterious stranger stepped in front of him and claimed the hand of the fair redhead before he could.
“Kelsey,” he said charmingly, “it is such a pleasure to meet you!  I am a huge fan…my name is Joey Richter, although I’m sure you already knew that!”  Kelsey’s eyebrows nearly leapt off of her face – what an egomaniac! Although, she did actually recognize him…but that was beside the point!  Poor Aislinn… Kelsey pulled her hand out of his and firmly introduced him to her dark-haired roommate.  He half-heartedly shook her hand and called her ‘Ashley’ (which earned him a glare that he didn’t even notice as he was too busy staring at Kelsey).  The two couples caught up to David and Caitlin quickly and Tom drove them to the restaurant - Chez Romantique, the fanciest and most romantic restaurant for kilometers.  Tom had made reservations so they were seated immediately upon entering. They were escorted to a private table lit by candlelight.  Joey reached the table first and pulled out the chair for Kelsey (despite Tom’s meaningful gaze that masked his annoyance).  He did the same for Aislinn, but made sure to place himself on Kelsey’s left, since Tom took the place on her right.  David and Caitlin sat close together and began to look at the menu.  Aside from those two, who had a fabulous dinner, the meal passed in absolute awkwardness for Kelsey, Tom, and Aislinn.  Joey was obviously taken with Kelsey, and so directed all comments toward her, leaving Aislinn to eat in silence or occasionally converse with Caitlin (when she could be pulled away from David briefly) and leaving Tom to brood attractively.  Kelsey was just plain annoyed that she couldn’t talk to Tom (or watch him brood!!!).
After dinner finally ended, the group adjourned to the theatre that Tom had rented to watch “Ever After” – the men were not thrilled at the choice of movie, but the girls were using the power of guilt as long as possible to get their way.  The movie started.  Poor Kelsey was sandwiched between Tom and Joey.  Finally, she had had enough.  She turned meaningfully to Tom and said, “Tom, I think that the Prince is wearing buffalo briefs, don’t you agree????”  Tom stared at her blankly, wondering if she had gone crazy. Then, he finally recognized the phrase ‘buffalo briefs’ as being their code for ‘get me out of here now!’ and understanding dawned in his eyes.  Five minutes later, a mysterious emergency popped up concerning Avengers 2 and Tom insisted that he had to leave right away.  Kelsey, of course, was very considerate and volunteered to sacrifice her evening to help him deal with the problem.  They made their escape before anyone could question their excuse.  Aislinn leaned back in her chair and sighed.  This must be one of the worst dates of her life.  Easily.  Not even a full 5 minutes later, Joey got up and left without a word to her – she never saw him again (thankfully!).  That left her sitting, alone (except for David and Caitlin, but they didn’t count).  She looked over at them and saw that David had casually lifted his arm behind Caitlin’s chair and was inching it down toward her shoulders slowly.  Despite her inner sadness, Aislinn smiled at how cute and slightly awkward they were, then resigned herself to trying to enjoy the rest of the movie.
Meanwhile, Kelsey and Tom headed over to McDonald’s and their special spot in the back of the parking lot.  First, they went through the drive-thru and bought the little apple pies.  Enjoying their dessert, they sat on the hood of the car and looked up at the stars.  As it grew colder, Tom slipped his jacket off and draped it and his arm around Kelsey’s slender shoulders without a word.  Kelsey smiled and leaned into his very fit body. They sat there for hours, loving being close to each other and one with the night.

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