Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Episode 34 - Extra Credit

This is an extra credit post.
The next morning, Kelsey, Aislinn, and Caitlin were left to themselves as Tom was busy filming and David was recording.  They took this chance to catch up on their sleep and just relax – a day of pampering, featuring home facials and manicures. 
That afternoon, however, Tom and Kelsey went out for a walk along the boardwalk.  They strolled, hand-in-hand past the booths. “Look!” Kelsey said, pointing toward a booth featuring hand-carved jewelry with her free hand.  With the one held firmly in Tom’s grasp, she tugged slightly so that they changed direction and headed toward the little table.  “I just love this!” Kelsey gushed over the intricately carved pieces.  Tom smiled indulgently and said,
“Pick out anything, darling. My treat.”  Kelsey turned to him and said,
“I appreciate that, but I couldn't…”  Tom just laughed and replied,
“Well, I’ll just have to use my best judgment to pick out something for you, then.” He brushed one hand against her cheek tenderly.  “You are my girlfriend.  It’s my right to buy you pretty stuff.”  She blushed, as she always did when he touched her.  He then turned away from her and began to examine each necklace displayed on the table, searching for the absolute perfect trinket.  Seizing one, he immediately turned to the shopkeeper and bought it, keeping his lean body between it and Kelsey’s curious eyes.  He glanced over his shoulder at Kelsey, who was watching him.  He grinned.  “No peeking, darling!”  She rolled her eyes. His transaction finished, he made her close her eyes while he fastened the necklace around her soft neck. “Okay, you can open now.” He stepped back and held a little hand-mirror out for her to see the beautifully carved miniature sunflower made of pale wood hanging from a green string.
“Tom!  It’s….absolutely lovely!  Thank you so much!”  Kelsey breathed, touched by the caring gesture.  He smiled, pleased that he had made her so happy.  He took her hand again and they continued down the boardwalk.  They had only been walking for a minute or so when a voice called after them.
“Tom!!! Kelsey!!!”  They turned to see who was addressing them.  Kelsey gasped.  It was Zachary Levi!!!  He ran up to them, a charming grin on that oh-so-handsome face.  A little bit of scruff only served to enhance his attractiveness – it gave him a bit of a roguish feel.  “Wow!” Zachary said, “I was not expecting to see you two here!  I am a huge fan of both of you.”  Kelsey looked stunned.  Tom just looked very confused.
“Who are you exactly?” Tom asked.  Kelsey almost slapped him. How could he possibly not know who Zachary Levi was??  Quickly, before Zachary was able to answer, Kelsey jumped in and explained.
“He’s Zachary Levi!  Remember – he was in Thor: The Dark World with you?  And more importantly, he sang in Tangled!”  Recognition dawned in Tom’s eyes.
“That’s right!” He said.  “How are you, man?”  They then did that awkward man-hug thing where they sorta clasp hands and run into each other’s bodies. Then Zachary turned to her and enveloped her in a very close surprise embrace.
“Hey, Kelsey.  You sure are even more breathtaking in person – it’s wonderful to meet you.”  At the adoring look in his eyes (and the fact that Kelsey did not seem to mind his attentions), Tom decided that he needed to take action.  He very deliberately placed his arm possessively around his girlfriend’s shoulders as the conversation continued.
“I’m so glad you had a chance to meet my girlfriend today, Zachary.” Tom said, not sounding at all glad.  Zachary smiled (mostly at Kelsey).
“Believe me Tom, I am so glad as well.”  He replied.  Tom continued,
“She really is the best girlfriend a man could ever ask for – beautiful, smart, sweet, funny, really, I could go on and on about how lucky I am to have Kelsey as my girlfriend.”  Kelsey gave Tom a weird look – his speech patterns were really strange today…
Zachary also gave Tom a strange look crossed with a glare (when he could tear his eyes away from Kelsey).  “I completely agree, man.  Some guys have all the luck!  Anyway, I really should be off – catch you later!” 
“Alright, man!  My girlfriend and I have to get going, anyway.” Tom commented to Zachary’s retreating figure, then breathed a sigh of relief.  He had seen the way that Zachary had looked at Kelsey and didn’t like it (not as much as he had hated Joey, but still…).  Anyway, he had dealt with the situation very subtly by using the word ‘girlfriend’ 4 times in their very short conversation – he bet that Kelsey hadn’t even noticed!  As they walked off, resuming a normal conversation, Kelsey thought to herself that it must be nice to be a man – clueless.  Obviously she had known exactly what he was doing the entire time.

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