In my Book of Mormon class this week, we discussed a scripture
in 3 Nephi 17. In verse 2, Christ tells
the multitude that “I perceive that ye are weak, that ye cannot understand all
my words which I am commanded of the Father to speak unto you at this time.” At this point, the people are exhausted. Their brains are completely full of the
knowledge that Jesus has revealed unto them thus far, and they are just unable
to receive anything more. Christ, in His
infinite wisdom, realizes this and decides to postpone the rest of His
discussion until they are again ready to learn.
I connected this experience to my own life – I am weak, and there are
times when I am not ready to receive certain knowledge or revelation that my
Heavenly Father intends for me. However,
Christ will be patient with me just as He was with the multitude. He will wait until I have reached the point
where I can accept and act upon the knowledge or inspiration He knows I will
need. This thought always gives me great
comfort because there are times in my life when I am scared that I am not
receiving inspiration that I (in my mortal weakness) feel is essential to me at
the time. I am so grateful to know that
Jesus is watching over me and that He knows the exact right moment for the
revelation to come to me. Knowing this, I am able to go forward with faith.
He gives us things line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little there a little which is really for our own good.