Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Episode 35 - Extra Credit

This is an extra credit post.
That night, Kelsey and Tom ran into another familiar person – Bridget Tamoulsen, a famous actress.  She was the kind of woman that, when she entered a room, all the other women in the room took a huge hit to their ego.  Needless to say, the attractive brunette was not top on Kelsey’s list of people she wanted to see when on a date with her famous and ruggedly attractive boyfriend.  They only stopped to chat briefly as they were on their way to get dinner, however, during that short chat Bridget managed to weasel her way into getting Tom’s number – for “acting tips” (or so she said).  Kelsey was rather uncomfortable with the situation – she felt that the woman was going to be manipulative.  However, Tom obviously gave her his number reluctantly, so Kelsey put it out of her mind.  She went to an enjoyable dinner with Tom.
Meanwhile, Caitlin and David were sitting alone at a table in a quaint little café.  They had just finished eating dinner and ordered chocolate mousse cake for dessert.  As they waited for their order to arrive, David reached across the table for Caitlin’s hand.  He looked deep into her eyes and Caitlin felt her heart flutter.  “Caitlin.” David said, completely entranced in her gaze.  “I know that we have just barely started dating, but I feel so strongly for you and…I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend.”  The last part came out in one nervous breath.  Caitlin, stunned by this unexpected question, took a second to process before she smiled breathtakingly at David.
“I would love that!”
Late into the night, Kelsey and Tom arrived in front of the hotel room.  “Good night, beautiful.’ Tom whispered, then leaned in and kissed her tenderly on her slightly parted lips.  Kelsey swayed into his muscular frame – she always was unable to keep her balance when he kissed her. They stood there for a second, Kelsey’s head against his chest, until they heard the sound of approaching footsteps.  David and Caitlin walked up, holding hands.  That kind of put a crimp in Kelsey and Tom’s affections.  The two girls bid a slightly awkward goodbye to the guys and entered the apartment.  Aislinn was sitting on the couch, her lap covered with tissues and holding a jar of Nutella and a spoon.  Sad music emanated from the movie playing on the TV.  Kelsey, super excited, declared, “I met Zachary Levi and Tom kissed me again!!!”  Caitlin took a second to be enthusiastic for her before she announced her news.
“David asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes!!!”  Both girls were now jumping up and down in their joyful state.  Aislinn tried to be cheerful for them, but it wasn’t working.  She was just feeling much too pathetic.  As they readied themselves for bed, Caitlin and Kelsey made a pact that they were going to get Aislinn a boyfriend.

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