Friday, January 18, 2013

Cleaning Checks

Cleaning checks.  Those very words strike fear into the hearts of all BYU students.  The horror, however, does not truly dawn on the average student until the moment when the duties must begin.  All afflicted with this terrible task feel like curling up into a despondent little ball of misery.  What did we do to deserve this punishment?  We do our homework (in between social activities, that is) and even study (if the timing is convenient).  We do absolutely nothing to merit a day full of endless drudgery so that everything is perfect for the moment the cleaning check commences.  Imagine your attitude after and during the countless hours spent meticulously scrubbing every last inch of the apartment.  Will this surly and contentious attitude invite the Spirit into your apartment?  I say not!  Even more importantly, what if you meet your eternal companion pre-destined to be your spouse on a cleaning check day? Talk about ruining your relationship before it starts!  The option we will not even dare to discuss is if you just were so angry at life that you just chose not to go to that all-important social function and you never met that special someone…tragic.  Thus we see that cleaning checks have a high possibility of ruining your eventual celestial exaltation. (If you haven't figured it out by now, I do in fact have a cleaning check tonight.)

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