Thursday, January 17, 2013

Small and Simple Things

This week in my Book of Mormon class we discussed the scripture stated in Alma 37:6 that reads: “Now you may suppose that this is foolishness in me; but behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise.”  This scripture is a scripture mastery that I memorized in Seminary and always liked, however after we talked about it in class it gained a lot more meaning for me.  This whole chapter in Alma is all about the great works wrought by small and simple things.  For example, Alma passes down the plates of Nephi, the brass plates, the Jaredite plates, the Urim and Thummim, and the Liahona to his son Helaman.  All of these small or simple items have wrought many great works.  The plates now make up our latter-day scriptures which are one of the foundations of our faith and have converted countless numbers of people to the gospel.  The Urim and Thummim was used as a translation tool to bring these scriptures forth to the modern world.  The Liahona directed Lehi and his family in their wilderness travels, working according to their faith.  That teaches us that God will direct us if we are tune with His will.  In our own lives, we can employ small and simple means to accomplish great things.  I know that I desire to return to my Father in Heaven and that I can do that through the simple, everyday actions like prayer and reading my scriptures.  While these basics things may seem like “foolishness in me” as Alma remarked, they put me on the path to eternal life.  I have a testimony in this principle as I have seen my simple actions bless my life on a daily basis.

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