Saturday, January 26, 2013

In Pursuit of Stormy Eyes - Episode 2

The rain darkened the view out of the cozy apartment window.  The tears of the heavens seemed to mirror Kelsey’s mood as she stared into the black night.  It had been almost two weeks since the most amazing day of her life.  The day when she was convinced that she had finally met the man of her dreams and their romantic story could begin at last.  Sighing dramatically, she curled up into a ball on the couch and pressed the ‘play’ button on the recording on her computer.  Tom’s soothing voice reciting “Bright Star” washed over her and she drifted slowly off to sleep, happy in her fantasy.  The sun streaming in through the window woke Kelsey early the next morning.  Putting behind her the depressing thoughts of last night, she resolved to make the most of the beautiful fall day.  The sun was shining on the trees; the orange leaves carpeted the sidewalk and made a satisfying crunch under Kelsey’s booted feet as she strode confidently to her job as a romantic columnist.  Caught up in her blatant enjoyment of the warmth, she was not paying full attention to where she was going until a wall jumped out and attacked her.  Lying on the ground, dazed and slightly in pain, she heard a voice.  An impossible voice.  She knew at this point that she must be dead – somehow sent to heaven.  She began to make out frantic words (well, as frantic as possible when uttered in a sexy English accent) over her head.  Slowly her lashes flutter open and her chocolate-brown eyes gaze into the magic of Tom Hiddleston’s blue depths.  “Slowly now” he cautioned as he raised her into a sitting position with one strong but gentle arm. 

“What happened?”  Kelsey muttered, still slightly disoriented.
“Well,” Tom laughed, “you had a little fight with this brick wall – you lost.”  Embarrassment caused Kelsey to blush a deep red.  “Allow me to help you up.” He placed his arm around her slim waist and effortlessly lifted her to her, admittedly, rather unsteady feet.  She wished she could stay in this half-embrace forever.  His scent was of pure man and its perfume intoxicated her.  “Let me take you to lunch – I want to make sure you are alright.”  Who was she to resist such an amazing offer?
“I…I would be delighted.” Kelsey managed to reply in only a slightly shaky voice.  She figured he could put it down to her recent accident.  She then took his proffered arm and they continued down the tree-lined street, red and yellow leaves swirling around their heads.

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